
在浏览器中设置 Mock Service Worker。

在浏览器中,MSW 通过注册负责网络级别请求拦截的 Service Worker 来工作。

¥In the browser, MSW works by registering a Service Worker responsible for request interception on the network level.

生成 worker 脚本

¥Generating the worker script

如果你的应用注册了 Service Worker,则必须托管并为其提供服务。库 CLI 为你提供了 init 命令,以便快速将 ./mockServiceWorker.js 工作脚本复制到应用的公共目录中。

¥If your application registers a Service Worker it must host and serve it. The library CLI provides you with the init command to quickly copy the ./mockServiceWorker.js worker script into your application’s public directory.

npx msw init <PUBLIC_DIR> --save

了解有关 init CLI 命令 的更多信息。

¥Learn more about the init CLI command.

复制后,在浏览器中导航到应用的 /mockServiceWorker.js URL(例如,如果你的应用在 http://localhost:3000 上运行,请转到 http://localhost:3000/mockServiceWorker.js 路由)。你应该看到工作脚本内容。如果你看到 404 或 MIME 类型错误,请确保在运行 init 命令时指定了正确的 PUBLIC_DIR,并调整了应用的任何潜在配置,这些配置可能会影响提供静态文件。

¥Once copied, navigate to the /mockServiceWorker.js URL of your application in your browser (e.g. if your application is running on http://localhost:3000, go to the http://localhost:3000/mockServiceWorker.js route). You should see the worker script contents. If you see a 404 or a MIME type error, make sure you are specifying the correct PUBLIC_DIR when running the init command, and that you adjust any potential configuration of your application that would affect serving static files.


¥Learn more about managing the worker script while using the library:

Managing the worker

Learn how to manage the worker script updates.



// src/mocks/browser.js
import { setupWorker } from 'msw/browser'
import { handlers } from './handlers'
export const worker = setupWorker(...handlers)

了解 setupWorker API

¥Learn about the setupWorker API.


¥Conditionally enable mocking

最后,我们需要通过调用 worker.start() 来启动 worker,这将注册并激活 Service Worker。我们还只想在开发中启用 API 模拟,这样我们的生产流量就不会受到影响。

¥Lastly, we need to start the worker by calling worker.start(), which will register and activate the Service Worker. We also only want to enable API mocking in development so our production traffic is unaffected.

因为注册 Service Worker 是一个异步操作,所以最好将应用的渲染推迟到注册 Promise 解析为止。

¥Because registering the Service Worker is an asynchronous operation, it’s a good idea to defer the rendering of your application until the registration Promise resolves.

// src/index.jsx
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { App } from './App'
async function enableMocking() {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
  const { worker } = await import('./mocks/browser')
  // `worker.start()` returns a Promise that resolves
  // once the Service Worker is up and ready to intercept requests.
  return worker.start()
enableMocking().then(() => {
  ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)




¥Go to your application in the browser and open the Console in the Developer Tools. If the integration was successful, you will see the following message being printed:

[MSW] Mocking enabled.


¥If you don’t see this message or see an error instead, please follow this page from the beginning and make sure you’ve completed all the steps.


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