¥You write mocks to describe a server behavior fixed in time. But as time goes on, that behavior may change, potentially rendering your mocks obsolete.
¥There are multiple ways to keep your mock definitions in-sync with the actual backend.
¥Use specification (Recommended)
¥It’s recommended to rely on a specification file that both backend and frontend can use as the source of truth. Treating the backend runtime as the truth is prone to issues as the backend may introduce faulty runtime behavior that violates the intended specification.
OpenAPI (Swagger)
如果你有 OpenAPI 规范文件,请考虑使用 msw-auto-mock
¥If you have an OpenAPI specification file, consider using the msw-auto-mock
package to generate request handlers from it.
GraphQL 模式
¥GraphQL schema
对于 GraphQL 服务器,请考虑使用 GraphQL 代码生成器 及其 typescript-msw
插件自动从 GraphQL 查询创建请求处理程序。
¥In the case of a GraphQL server, consider using GraphQL Code Generator and its typescript-msw
plugin to automatically create request handlers from your GraphQL queries.
¥Use network snapshots
如果没有可用的 API 规范,你可以在浏览器中记录网络行为并将其存储在 *.har
¥In the case when there is no API specification available, you can record network behavior in the browser and store it in a *.har
file. Then, it becomes a fixed source of truth you can use to generate handlers from.
在下面的例子中,我们将使用社区编写的 msw-webarchive
包在运行时从 HAR 文件生成请求处理程序。
¥In the example below we’are going to use a community-authored msw-webarchive
package to generate request handlers from an HAR file on runtime.
// mocks/browser.js
import { setupWorker } from 'msw'
import { setRequestHandlersByWebarchive } from '@tapico/webarchive'
import * as snapshot from './snapshort.har'
export const worker = setupWorker()
// Augment the worker with request handlers
// generated from the given network snapshot
setRequestHandlersByWebarchive(worker, snapshot)
包目前不支持 Node.js。
¥The msw-webarchive
package currently doesn’t support Node.js.
¥Automate the process
无论你选择哪种方法,请考虑通过配置 CI 来定期更新规范/网络快照来自动化该过程。这样我们就可以确保模拟随着时间的推移保持相关性。
¥Regardless of the approach you chose, consider automating the process by configuring your CI to regularly update the specification/network snapshots. That way we can ensure that the mocks remain relevant over time.