

使用 HttpResponse.error() 静态方法(Response.error() 的镜像)创建网络错误响应。

¥Use the HttpResponse.error() static method (the mirror of Response.error()) to create a network error response.

服务器错误响应 不同,网络错误会拒绝请求 promise 并表示请求操作失败。一些网络错误的示例包括:

¥Unlike server error responses, network errors reject the request promise and represent a failed request operation. Some of the examples of network errors include:

  • 连接问题(例如客户端离线);

    ¥Connectivity issues (e.g. the client became offline);

  • DNS 查找失败(例如连接到不存在的主机);

    ¥DNS lookup failures (e.g. connecting to a non-existing host);



import { http, HttpResponse } from 'msw'
export const handlers = [
  http.get('/resource', () => {
    // Respond with a network error.
    return HttpResponse.error()